Yin Yoga & Drumming December 5th, 2015

In this experiential workshop, we will gently flow from one pose to the next into the stillness of yin yoga practice, together with drumming and vocal sound vibrations.
As we pause into the space of stillness and dive more and more into the pose, our senses are drawn in and the practice becomes a meditation leading to self- exploration and discovery. 
Being in stillness with the company of drumming vibrations, which increase the alpha waves of brain activity, will open the doors to a higher level of meditative state; by uncovering the layers of the body, emotions, thoughts you will find quietness and return to your natural condition of calmness and peacefulness


Yin yoga in relation to other yoga practices is a gentle practice in which asanas (poses) are held for longer periods of time (5-7 minutes); sometimes using props to make the poses more comfortable and easier to hold. Some of the benefits are listed below:

-Yin yoga practice targets the softer parts of our body, the connective tissues, such as fascia, tendons, and ligaments.
Its nature of practice increases blood circulation in the joints and improves flexibility.
-It also enhances the flow of prana (breath).
-The slow moving nature of the practice develops patience, by holding the asanas longer and releasing all mental and physical resistance. We connect with the more yin parts of ourselves cultivating acceptance, and feeling the present moment!


Everything about relaxation and wellbeing is about balance; Drumming gives you a steady ground to stand on, making you feel balanced and self-confidant. Drumming or even just listening to a steady beat, helps to wake up the alpha waves in you, making you feel happy. 

-The sound of drumming generates dynamic neuronal connections in all parts of the brain.
-Rhythmic drumming induces altered states, which have a wide range of therapeutic applications. Even a brief drumming session can double alpha brain wave activity, dramatically reducing stress.
-The brain changes from Beta waves (focused concentration and activity) to Alpha waves (calm and relaxed), producing feelings of euphoria and well-being.
-Alpha activity is associated with meditation, shamanic trance, and integrative modes of consciousness.
-Rhythmic stimulation is a simple yet effective technique for affecting states of mind.
-The sound of drumming generates dynamic neuronal connections in all parts of the brain.
-Rhythmic energy to the brain synchronizes the two cerebral hemispheres. When the logical left hemisphere and the intuitive right hemisphere begin to pulsate in harmony, the inner guidance of intuitive knowing can then flow unimpeded into conscious awareness. The ability to access unconscious information through symbols and imagery facilitates psychological integration and a reintegration of self.

Cost: 20 euros pp