Vinyasa Flow Yoga ~ Funky Buddha Full Moon Festival ~ 29th August, 2014

In a fast paced world we very often neglect to pause and experience the universal connection with the present moment.
Full moon is an ideal moment to "naturally see" where we are and visualize what we want to offer to the world.
In this yoga session, you will be invited to use your breath as the rhythm in movement and stillness to cultivate a deeper level of concentration, 
tune into the inner sensations of the body and feel the space around you in a mindful and yet dynamic vinyasa flow.

Please feel free to contact me for more information!

 Below you can find more information regarding the Festival:

The Body And Soul Space welcomes you to join us in a celebration of the harvest moon. 
Be prepared to be transported to a relaxing and often exhilerating space.....which will feel almost like another dimension. 
Our experienced, passionate teachers, musicians and healers, will guide you into letting go; enabling you to feel at one with the life force which flows through us all !
The weekend will include :-
A variety of Yoga, Meditation, Dance and Tantra

Introduction to drumming, djembe, frame and hang drum
Healing Arts 
Juggling workshop
Live music 
Drumming performance
Live Reggae and ska band Black - Out
DJ s
Plus lots more surprises

watch this space for updates, full programme will be up soon, but save the date

Cost - 20 euros
camping 5 euros