It is Wednesday and tomorrow my world is changing; my routine and new normality of the last 2 months is transitioning from isolation to the unknown.

What first felt that was compromising my sense of freedom has become my comfort, and now is changing. Change is difficult, most of us don’t like change, as it feels unfamiliar. The new normality we are about to enter may be alien to us and this can be scary for some. To others it feels as if they are about to press the play button since the lockdown was simply a pause. But is it? I believe is not.

What gets me up in the morning is learning and growing; something you live or experience can be merely an information or a chance for introspection; the choice is yours. Personally, in every experience, I see possibilities. The possibility to drop of any ideas that bind me into limiting beliefs, and the self-impose image of who I am, what I like and what I don’t or even the fear of missing out. Realigning with my liberated free self; free to express that state of being in a way that brings harmony and peace of mind.  

The beginning

Two months ago, I was screaming my lungs out “My sense of freedom has been compromised’. Now? Now, I am wondering whether I was freer before or if I was freer when I was force to social and legal restrictions. I don’t believe that the restrictions provided me freedom, but I am sure the last 2 months created space to reflect. To question if my life was directed from what I thought I should be doing or what was right to be doing, rather than expressing my free self through my actions. It felt as if I did not pause to notice that it was time for change; I did not notice the window of opportunity and I kept going the same direction; restricting myself to evolve into its full potential.

Wait a minute; this thought makes my world shake. Do you feel it too?  Who am I now if I am not who and what I thought I was?  Who are we if not who we thought to be?

I hear you and I invite you to recall the first feelings of lockdown; the uncertainty. There is a real pain in change but there is also growth. There is fear but there is also excitement. It is exciting to learn something new.

The in between stage

Two months later, we are asked to transition into normality, only that this is not the normality as we know it. We are in the in-between stage of what is working and what is not; an experiment of what is sustainable and what not.

Do I like it? Personally, I don’t. The new normality seems to be of no structure and alien. I don’t know what is the new norm. I am asked to go back into something that it doesn’t exist anymore, or that I recognise I never really liked in the first place, or I simply recognise that while I still value it, I am not bound to the old normality the way that I used to be.

Two months ago, when I thought my sense of freedom was compromised, I was actually given the gift of liberation and choice.


Caught up in the in between moment of today and tomorrow, I am brave to venture, to learn and to grow. I recognise that all is moving and that no moment is the same. I release the inhibition to know the unknowable and find happiness in the here and now of not knowing.

I invite you to say yes to the possibility of change and growth. To say yes to the old and the new. Its ok to feel uneased. Embrace the unexpressed feelings you have whether pleasant or unpleasant and allow life to move in new directions and transform you into a fuller and deeper expression of yourself.