I heard this expression the other day ‘we are moving back to normality’ and it felt a bit limited. I thought. ‘What if this is a new normality?’ and ‘what if we could redefine our normality? A normality that still respects and honours my fellow citizens but is a normality that touch and transforms me in a way that allows me to align with my fullest potential.
It is a pity to have spent more than 2 months through all these new circumstances, with so much time to reflect and still not bring positive changes in our life. Even if the 2 months of lockdown and isolation was a struggle; even if it was pleasant, I am sure you had the opportunity to meet yourself in a different way. Was it something that you really missed? Something that made you realise what you want in your life? or maybe you have discovered that taking a walk on your own on the empty streets brought you feelings of peace and happiness. Could this information be of use to you as we transition to the post lockdown times?
Transition is the bridge to metamorphosis, from the old you to the new you. Often times the feeling of security we feel in keeping our ways, our routines or when we follow the crowd can be an illusion that is keeping our fullest potential in hiding.
I understand the desire to protect the old ways and to keep things as they are. Letting go can shake our world or make us feel as if we are losing our sense of belonging; this is a very human like reaction.
I am not suggesting that we deny our roots and what we once believe with all of our heart. After all, our roots and where we are coming from are important to our being in so many ways. I am simply suggesting that we take the time to reevaluate what is it that really matters to us; what drives us closer to the person we want to be; take the time to consider what is truly benefiting you and how to enhance it.
Say-ing Yes
Now is the time to reflect on the direction you wish to move towards and to identify what express you in a meaningful way. Add new habits in your life that are meaningful and will open a path to the possibility of a healthier and a calmer version of you.
Steps towards transformation don’t need to be extreme; a morning walk or contemplation before you rush yourself in the car and drive to work, could be so beneficial for your day and eventually will shift your life in a remarkable way. It doesn’t have to be the morning walks, it could be an afternoon walk; possibly you could add a healthy breakfast before your coffee, or even decrease your coffee intake. Perhaps sleeping a bit earlier or waking up a bit earlier. Deep in your heart you know what it is, what adjustments you need to do to bring happiness, a sense of accomplishment in your life. You know what change you want to see in you and your life. Decide the adjustments you want to include in your life and say ‘yes’ to your decision and follow through.
I, for example , discovered that having particular eating habits help me a lot with my energy; So while cooking was time consuming ,in return it gave me more energy to do more in less time ;and not only that , I was also in a better mood because I wasn’t feeling heavy and low in energy after eating. That’s how I knew that being conscious of my eating habits was essential in my life, and found ways to incorporate cooking and learning about healthy eating. To my surprise that small adjustment brought other positive things in my life that I wasn’t expecting, like spending more quality time with my partner discovering together new recipes and a laugh in the kitchen.
Another example is the morning run. I always thought that running is an incredible way to stay fit and has tremendous benefits on our health, but at the same time, I never thought that I will manage to make running a habit.
I wanted to be the person who ‘runs in the morning in a nice and cool outfit but I found it very difficult to follow through. First of all I was not at all fit for that kind of exercise, so the habit (morning run) was easily replaced by something else, it was easy for me to find an excuse like feeling tired or ‘I don’t have time’ or it was impossible to wake up. Every day I had a choice to wake up and put on my trainers or stay in bed and enjoy the morning sleep; for many months I was choosing to stay in.
Until I decided to say ‘Yes’ to running every time, the days I am low I say yes, the days I feel good I say yes, the sunny days I say yes, the raining days I say yes, and I run with the mood and the feelings of that particular day. We always have options and the options are not as important as the choice we make, it is the choice of doing or not doing something that make a difference.
An excuse is usually a false reason that we give as an explanation for doing or not doing something.; an excuse is easily found and we usually have the illusion that it is true. Don’t get me wrong. I know life is not easy and we do have responsibilities and other people to consider in our life. But choosing YOU over anything else should be your number one priority. Choosing YOU could provide you with the mental peace to be more kind to the people around you. Choosing you it means to discipline yourself, and push you to follow through your goals; and this can transform your life in a way that will inspire others to do more for themselves too.
What are the aromas and spices you wish in your life; that thing that will take you closer to the version of yourself you wish to be. What are you denying to yourself for the sake of not missing out; for the sake of a lazy night on the couch, or another late night?
Close your eyes, feel your breath, feel your body and observe what is it that you are craving ?
If it is movement, add a walk in your routine, start running, sing up to a gym, attend a yoga class. If you feel heavy, bloated what you need is lighter food, learn about healthier options, or simply prepare a food to take with you at work so you don’t have to order when you are hungry and fall into the trap ordering the heaviest lunch.
If you feel tired and your eyes feel heavy, then choose to go to bed an hour earlier than usual, to simply relax in bed reading a book or maybe listen to a meditation that will help you sleep, or add some yoga stretches.
Discover what you need and say ‘YES’ to it.